Ruby Plan - $10,000

Or "Lease A Website" for $1,000 per month

Campaign Identity
We provide a full solution option for focused candidates. Your time is valuable and you should be out campaigning, whether on the road or in media events, every moment of every day. We create and maintain your online campaign identity while you are away, starting with the design of your campaign logo, business cards, postcards, brochures, flyers and vinyl banners.

Strategic Website Content
You can give us the content and we will use our in-house strategists and writers to develop your information including your biographical profile, position statement or view on issues. Make public position statements to convey your current views about important issues. If you don't share your opinions, voters will not know where you stand.

Registration of Domain Names
We will register as many domain names for you as are necessary to capture every variation of your domain name to give your campaign the advantage it requires to win. We employ the same algorithms used by search engines and therefore can statistically predict which names will give your campaign that additional advantage.

Secure Cloud Hosting
Flexible, scalable hosting solution where you are the only client on your dedicated IP.

Data backup using RAID Technology
Your website will be backed up and archived automatically on a daily basis.

Real-time Hacking Monitoring
In a competitive campaign, it is good to keep a close eye on your ‘friends’ from your Party and your ‘opponents’ from the other Party. This option involves detailed opponent research as well as real-time hacking monitoring service which protects your data from being accessed by professional hackers or nosey opponents.

Anti-Virus and Anti-Trojan Software
This is crucial in any competitive campaign. Anti-virus and anti-trojan software is used to prevent, detect, and remove malware, including computer viruses, computer worms, trojan horses, spyware and adware that may attack your website. We prepare your campaign for the prevention and removal of such threats.

Hardware and Software Firewalls
A firewall is designed to permit or deny network transmissions based upon a set of rules and is used to protect networks from unauthorized access while permitting legitimate communications to pass. We use both a hardware and a software firewall to double protect your website.

Deployment of Port Scanners
A port scanner is a software application designed to probe a server or host for open ports. We use this method daily on your website to verify security policies of networks and prevent attackers from identifying and running services on your website that may compromise it.

Streaming Media
Whether you want to play recordings of speeches, events, TV interviews, volunteer videos, etc., with the streaming media option you can play any kind of audio or video on your website.

Social Media
Whether you want to use Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and/or YouTube, we can give you a presence on these sites and also make sure you have thousands of fans following your every move for the duration of the campaign and during your time in office. These fans can in time become voters, donors or volunteers for your campaign.

Same Business Day Website Updates
You can send us your website updates via email and they will be made in the same business day.

Unlimited Pages
With this option, you can add 50, 100 or 200 pages to your website. The more content you have, the more the search engines will select your site and the more information you can share about why voters should pick you at the polls. As an incumbent politician, you can show your voting record, track and monitors bills in Congress and Senate or offer every single event photo to your supporters to get even more site traffic.

On-Demand Remote Support
We provide web-based remote support of PCs and Macs for your campaign related email and data. Your sessions are SECURE because, we connect to your computer via a 256 SSL encryption, which uninstalls after support for enhanced security.